A blog about the experiences and adventures in the Republic of Georgia. Here you will find pictures, almost-daily journals, and creative/challenging/absurd stories. Please indulge. Be blessed and not offended.

Friday, January 05, 2007

God's Land

God hosted a party many, many years ago. He invited every country, but back then, the countries did not yet have territories, they were only countries.
God was very happy that everyone showed up. The atmosphere was festive and fun. God made many toasts that night. God proceeded to give each country its own land.
Georgia, needless to say, was a little happier than the rest, since she had had a little too much wine. Georgia sat by the fire laughing and telling stories while the other countries received their land.
Georgia woke up the next morning and asked God where her land would be. God replied, “I gave all the land away last night.”
“Oh no!” thought Georgia. I have no land and no place to go.
God, noticing Georgia’s sadness and acknowledging that Georgia had brought the best wine, said “Although I gave all the land away, there is still some land. It is my land. But, you can have it.”


Blogger benjamindavidbrown said...

..."And G_D saw that it was Good."

8:52 PM

Blogger Suleima said...

*tear* =)

8:00 PM


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