A blog about the experiences and adventures in the Republic of Georgia. Here you will find pictures, almost-daily journals, and creative/challenging/absurd stories. Please indulge. Be blessed and not offended.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Series of Images V

Medekhi (A riverside Orthodox Church) Schoolboy running down a street in Tbilisi
Esaia, Merab's son, is preparing for a little dance concert
The Georgian dance is on! (he dances around the living room)
Merab and I had the great privilege of getting a picture with this most-famous dancer
Keti (right) in her clothing shop


Blogger Molly Grisham said...

P Didi -- if you post the Georgian language part as an image instead of text then those of us without that character set will still be able to view it . . . just a thought . . . keep up the good work!

2:28 PM

Blogger Aimee said...


Just to let you know, I've been trying to keep up with you and read your posts. I do enjoy the pictures and hopefully I'll be able to read everything one day. I hope all is well.


10:30 PM

Blogger M.A.P. said...

good thinkin' molly.

4:56 AM

Blogger Suleima said...

Esaia is so big! wow. he's growing up fast.

give my love to keti as well and merab's little girl.

glad to see all is well. do it up Didi.

love ya.


1:09 PM


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