A blog about the experiences and adventures in the Republic of Georgia. Here you will find pictures, almost-daily journals, and creative/challenging/absurd stories. Please indulge. Be blessed and not offended.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Press Committee

Well, the Press Committee met again on Wednesday. We had some vivid discussion. I was invited to be one of the founders of the organization, which is a great honor. Me? A founder?

Anyway, here is a picture of the group.

(Suzie, Lela, Katia, Me, Lela, Nino, and Tia)


Blogger bbnana said...

You look like a grown-up! Scary. I like your hair!

8:39 AM

Blogger Molly Grisham said...

P didi - i just flew in from Philly where we did XT staff training for this summer. We had a great time and I got to see a lot of people; Sully, Dan, Brianna, Ang . . . it was great to catch up with all of them but now I have the task of catching up on YOUR travels. It is late and I am tired but I will comment more soon . . .Peace,

8:20 PM

Blogger Molly Grisham said...

P didi -
Just before you left we had a detailed conversation about shoes, specifically what shoes would be necessary in the ROG. As you may recall I was strongly opposed to the crocs only idea and I am wondering now how that has worked out. Would you advice others traveling to the snow-covered ROG during the winter to also go with the crocs only mode of travel? Details please.

2:05 PM

Blogger asprockitrockit said...

Dan, Brianna, Douglas, and I were all at the Xtreme Team leadership on Thurs PM to share our Xinshos. Sully, Molly, and I represented ROG--the creme of the crop! Good times...
Congrats on being named a founder of the Press Comittee! What is the organization you are founding?

1:58 PM

Blogger M.A.P. said...

Shoes, oh my God, Shoes!
Let's get some shoes!

Molly, if you haven't seen the "shoes" video, you need to see it!

Crocs have worked out just splendidly here. Seriously. Fortunately, I have not had to walk in snow yet. Had I done that, I would not recommend crocs at all!

I have not worn any other shoes except crocs so far. Pretty crazy accomplishment, huh?

Sometimes my feet are pretty cold, no doubt. But lately I've only had to wear one pair of wool socks. Usually, I have to wear 2 pair.



12:03 AM

Blogger Molly Grisham said...

You really thought I would like that “shoes” video? Are you suffering from sleep deprivation or something?? That really was quality work (insert sarcasm here).

While I was in Reading, without internet access, I was oh so worried that I would not be able to keep up with all your posts, but it seems you have stopped posting. It has been almost a week my friend! How can we keep up with you if you don’t post? I hope all is well and that your feet are staying warm.


7:15 AM

Blogger Suleima said...

patiently waiting..... =)

8:01 AM

Blogger Molly Grisham said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:20 AM

Blogger Molly Grisham said...

Not so patiently waiting..... =)

9:20 AM

Blogger asprockitrockit said...

Ha-ha! FYI: For you peeps who are patiently waiting ;) Peder has been taking his visiting Uncle Paul and brother David around the country this week and hasn't had internet access. They've been to Batumi (played soccer and joined the polar bear club by taking a dip in the Black Sea after a victory!) and are making their way back to Tbilisi this weekend. So, he be posting again on Mon most likely.

10:12 AM

Blogger Molly Grisham said...

I understand that finding an Internet connection in Georgia can be difficult, I truly do understand and I empathize with your struggle. However, I personally know of several places to connect in some very remote Georgian places . . . these excuses simply won’t fly with me. You are failing P did . . . how sad, tear, tear . . . I expected more from you . . . Peace, MOLLY

1:17 PM


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