A blog about the experiences and adventures in the Republic of Georgia. Here you will find pictures, almost-daily journals, and creative/challenging/absurd stories. Please indulge. Be blessed and not offended.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I went to Armenia for a few days and saw a 13th* Century fortress and church. I used the timer on my camera to take pictures of myself. There was an absence (but by no means a lack of) pictures of me. Pictures now, stories later.

This is the view near the motel I stayed at.
Timer #1
Timer #2
Timer #3
Tony took this picture
13th Century Armenian Church
Inside the Church

The Church is falling apart

Not sure what I'm doing really. I had to run to that position before the camera took the picture and I didn't come up with anything more creative.

Then, I settled with this.

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Blogger Aimee said...

Nice pictures. I also have noticed that Paul has rubbed off on you. Either that or he gave you his flannel shirts. ;c)

2:29 PM

Blogger Dave said...

Eso!! haci me gusta Guapo!!

7:43 PM

Blogger Brianna said...

Is he throwing up? Is he smelling the ground? Is he kissing the rock? Oh look, some water drops... maybe he's drinking. Ok. Miss you!

7:41 PM


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