A blog about the experiences and adventures in the Republic of Georgia. Here you will find pictures, almost-daily journals, and creative/challenging/absurd stories. Please indulge. Be blessed and not offended.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sorry Campaign: "Should we apologize to the Abkhazians?"

This was the topic of debate at the Heinrich Boell Foundation. People from all parties were present, debating whether or not we (the Georgians) should apologize to the Abkhazians. Some said that the Georgians did not start the war but that the Abkhazians started the war. Some said that the Georgians started the war. Others said Russia started the war.

Some asked, "How can we possibly forgive those people who killed my family and my closest friends?"

Present were soldiers, activists, journalists, members of civil society, old people, young people, Georgians, Russians, Abkhazians, Germans, Americans, and more.

The room was packed
Debate Panel: Goga Kvakharia (film critic)
Debate Panel: Goga Heindrava (Former Minister of Conflict Resolution in Georgia)
Emil Adelkhanov (a very prominent Human Rights activist)
Ivliane Heindrava (Member of Parliament)

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