A blog about the experiences and adventures in the Republic of Georgia. Here you will find pictures, almost-daily journals, and creative/challenging/absurd stories. Please indulge. Be blessed and not offended.

Monday, February 19, 2007


I'd like to take this time to apologize for my lack of posts and pictures in the past week.

I will make it up to you though.

I have several more stories by the Guest Writer. I have some of my own stories. I will make up my missed "Word of the Day" posts. I have so many pictures that I'm afraid I will have to upgrade from "A Series of Images" to something more simple like "Artistic shots" or "Run-of-the-mill shots." And I would like to announce the release of a new post series, it's called "The LADA Project" (Coming soon...)

Stay tuned!


Blogger Mamita Linda said...

Hola PedrĂ­n,

Nice pictures!!!!! Keep them and the stories coming.

8:05 AM

Blogger Molly Grisham said...

Let us not have another lapse in posting. Redeem yourself P didi.

4:05 PM


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