A blog about the experiences and adventures in the Republic of Georgia. Here you will find pictures, almost-daily journals, and creative/challenging/absurd stories. Please indulge. Be blessed and not offended.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Meet the Village

Dadeshkeliani Tower
Village leader (right)
Funeral Supra
Funeral Supra 2


Blogger Dave said...

hey just a question in Mestia...what are the towers in the town used for or what were they?

5:44 PM

Blogger M.A.P. said...

The towers are now just property of different families. Some are used, or in the past have been used, for showing tourists. One is a museum. But mainly, the towers are the property and pride of whichever family owns the tower. They aren't used for much, most of them seem to be in bad condition. i climbed up one tower and it was really dark and i had to climb make-shift latters all the way to the top... which kinda felt unsafe, so i don't think much could be done in the towers now.
They were built centuries ago though, I'll try to find out when the first towers appeared...

1:41 AM


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