A blog about the experiences and adventures in the Republic of Georgia. Here you will find pictures, almost-daily journals, and creative/challenging/absurd stories. Please indulge. Be blessed and not offended.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sorry Campaign II

Lela Gaprindashvili (Gender Issues Expert)
Georgian Soldier addressing the audience
Former soldiers arguing against the panel's proposal to apologize to the Abkhazians
Ninia Kakabadze (journalist)
Debate participant
Debate participant

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Blogger anita said...

la poinsettia...se murio.

lo siento. (...)

pero todavia TU eres vivo!

que bueno!


6:42 PM

Blogger Molly Grisham said...

Where are you? Still on some hike? At the store trying to buy real shoes? Waiting for Merab to pick you up? We have not heard from you for way too long. :(


6:55 AM


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